Mastering Pragmatic TDD

If you ever tried TDD and failed, you're in the right place.

I'm going to help you understand the true meaning of TDD and how to apply this philosophy in your daily work.

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Becoming a Technical Business Partner

Take your first step into becoming a Technical Business Partner!



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Designing RESTful API (Polish only)

Learn step by step how to create a top-notch REST API from scratch. Discover best practices and implementation methods using the popular Spring Boot framework.

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Secure Java Applications (Polish only)

Utilize Spring Security capabilities to secure your applications against common attacks.


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Mastering Pragmatic TDD

If you ever tried TDD and failed, you’re in the right place.

I’m going to help you understand the true meaning of TDD and how to apply this philosophy in your daily work.

Includes private GitHub repository with all examples and exercises


5+ years of experience in software engineering

Target group

Senior software engineers (5+ years)


Video course + private GitHub repository



See the free lesson!

The first chapter is all about the true meaning of TDD. You will learn that TDD is not about testing your code, but rather about driving the design of your domain model according to

  • 7 lessons total
  • Summary
  • Questions and exercises

More advanced topics are covered in Chapter 1

6 lessons total

  • Lesson 0: Take a deep dive into the internals of TDD. Learn about the unit ambiguity on different levels: method, class, module and service.
  • Lesson 1: Learn the differences between two schools of TDD: the Chicago School and the London School.
  • Lesson 2: See how Event Storming, Example Mapping and TDD can be combined together to build better domains models.
  • Lesson 3: Learn how to find the right TDD iteration cycles by following some simple rules. Rule: Don’t write dumb code
  • Lesson 4: Learn how to find the right TDD iteration cycles by following some simple rules. Rule: Reuse generic concepts
  • Lesson 5: In this lesson you will learn how your domain expertise can impact your TDD scope. This is the very last lesson of the TDD course.

Becoming a Technical Business Partner (early access)

Take your first step into becoming a Technical Business Partner!

We often consider business and developers as separate teams. The “Business” part needs something, while “Developers” implement it. This clearly defines the Customer-Supplier relationship at best and Conformist at worst. In these relationships Business acts as Upstream, while Developers as Downstream. Doesn’t sound like the best option when developing custom solutions, does it? I’m going to show you how to upgrade this relationship into Partnership.


In this course I’ll show you how you can become a Technical Business Partner. Technical Business Partner is a business-oriented engineer with deep technological expertise. Instead of just implementing stuff correctly, TBP understands the business and therefore is able to suggest improvements in the business model or any other aspects of running the company. This approach allows us to build better models, increase velocity of the development and focus on what’s really important instead of wasting time and energy on technological bikeshedding.


Note: this course is still in development. Buy now to get early access to all future lessons for the best price!


10+ years of experience in software engineering and having a business mindset

Target group

Architects, Principal Engineers, Staff Engineers, very ambitious Junior Engineers


Video course



See the first lesson for free!

Take your first step into becoming a Technical Business Partner!

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Let’s do something awesome together! I’d be happy to help you. Just drop me a line.


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